Donald Trump Jr’s 2A Task Force Needs Closer Scrutiny by Gun Owners

Donald Trump, Jr.–shown at an NRA convention–dismissed reports he was interested in becoming the association’s new CEO. Dave Workman photo

U.S.A. – -( “Donald Trump Jr. launches gun rights group, vows to fight Democratic gun control proposals,” Fox News reports. “The Second Amendment Task Force plans to build its operation around Trump’s high social media visibility and following, as well as his national media appearances.”

“The Second Amendment Task Force is the first advocacy group that Trump has launched and been directly involved with,” the report elaborates. “The group plans to make a push in the upcoming midterm elections this year, especially in the voter registration sphere.”

Except it’s not the first. Remember that “Second Amendment Coalition” his father announced and made him chairman of back in 2016?  The one he co-chaired with fired NRA-ILA honcho and bump stock “regulator” Chris Cox? If you don’t recall that group, it’s probably because it didn’t actually do much of anything and the webpage was taken down a half-a-year later.

As for “plans to make a push,” it’s fair to ask for whom. His father’s Mehmet Oz pick comes to mind. Are there any other candidates gun owners may have concerns about?

It’s also fair to ask what that push consists of. The Fox News piece gives us plenty of high-sounding platitudes but specifically, how will the “entirely devoted” Second Amendment Task Force “ensur[e] the Left is never successful in disarming American citizens”?

As an aside, that rhetoric is kind of hyperbolic. Ultimately, isn’t ensuring they never will be something each of us will decide?

“Today, the group is laser-focused on engaging grassroots activists to defend their Constitutional rights,” the Task Force website claims. “Like a special ops team of advocates, the group rapidly mobilizes when Biden nominates personnel who could infringe on the Second Amendment and to oppose executive or legislative action that curbs the rights of gun owners and families.”

What group? Who is on board with this, and might we check their creds?

The only name that is listed under “Our Team” is Trump Jr’s, and while gun owners should appreciate his efforts that “helped sink” the David Chipman nomination to head ATF, many hands were involved with that and, candidly, did more. And if his Task Force truly lives up to its rapid mobilization claim, why have he — and it — been silent to date (this is being written on 4/28) on the new and equally threatening nominee, Steve Dettelbach?

Fleshing out the details of the “group,” its organization and specific efforts it intends to make is important because getting visitors to register and donate seems to be the purpose of the 2A Task Force home page. That being the case, what does it intend to provide gun owners that they can’t already get from established national and state “gun groups”? Considering that those groups are also involved in activities like education/outreach, alerts/grassroots coordination, legislative efforts, and, importantly, mounting legal challenges, what unique return value, besides the occasional supportive tweet, editorial or media appearance by Trump Jr. does this new venture offer that makes it a superior donation priority?

No one can argue that it doesn’t help to have a high-profile personality using his bully pulpit to promote the right to keep and bear arms. One could also argue that attaching one’s famous name to a hot button issue, one that affects millions, yields significant personal and political returns.

Sure, it’s great to see him proudly posing with an AR-15 and driving the left nuts. Good job!

It would be greater to see him using his New York City concealed carry permit as a springboard to highlight how unjust and un-American it is to limit such permits to the sell-connected elites and to lead the charge for demanding change. For someone presuming to be a leadership voice for gun owners, it would be not just appropriate, but crucial for Trump Jr. to also explain in principle and detail:

The object here is not to attack him or to start a feud with Dad; it’s to see if the guy who says he wants to lead us knows where he’s going and why.

It’s also to see whose interests funds being solicited to bankroll that leadership really serve and if that’s the most effective way for gun owners to offset attacks against their rights. Note 2A Task Force donations are “Powered through WinRed,” a GOP fundraising platform that has been dominated by Donald Trump-related interests.

They take their cut of the proceeds. We’ve all gotta eat and there’s nothing wrong with that, and in fact, the left (which benefits from its ActBlue counterpart) is trying to shut WinRed down with breathless allegations of irregularities and “politically-motivated investigations” by four “blue state” attorneys general. Like with speech, political opposition is seen as something to be smeared and canceled.

Just to clear something up, because I won’t be surprised to see this piece result in some “Would you rather have Joe Biden?” reactions: I got this task force news sent to me from a few different readers, and what they sent included some enthusiastic posts and videos from commentators with substantial numbers of followers. None of what I had seen dug any deeper and addressed the points this raises, and I believe gun owners ought to be able to evaluate all fundraising appeals against other deserving options before digging into limited personal resources.

If you think Donald Trump Jr’s Second Amendment Task Force is a serious contender for your financial support, feel free to explain why and persuade those of us who may not be convinced yet in the comments, below.

About David Codrea:

David Codrea is the winner of multiple journalist awards for investigating/defending the RKBA and a long-time gun owner rights advocate who defiantly challenges the folly of citizen disarmament. He blogs at “The War on Guns: Notes from the Resistance,” is a regularly featured contributor to Firearms News, and posts on Twitter: @dcodrea and Facebook.

David Codrea

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As David pointed out, this is the man closest to the former president and yet he failed to prevent his dad from enacting more arms laws in his first two years than the previous two administrations combined. I, too, would like to know why he couldn’t dissuade his father from pushing a ban on accessories and signing FixNICS into law. Did he try to stop his father from advocating for red flag laws, bans on body armor and suppressors, increasing the age to purchase arms, etc..?


Fudds only need “hunting” weapons to hunt. In their world, all other gun things are unnecessary.


Until there is full discosure on Steven Paddock and the Mandalay Bay shooting, NO $$$ or votes to these guys.


I would agree right now about not giving them $$$. Trump was bamboozled just like the rest of us about Paddock by our own FBI. When the people who are trusted with our country’s security and law enforcement decide to go rogue and break the law, what are we supposed to do? I suppose we should blame Nixon for Kennedy’s murder? If Trump runs again, I, at this point, would vote for him again. I would urge everyone here on Ammoland to do the same.


As I said in an earlier post, if Trump Jr is really a committed 2A guy, “SHOW US THE MONEY HE HAS PERSONALLY INVESTED IN PROTECTION OF 2A RIGHTS”. A personal net worth of at least $25 MILLION should have enabled some pretty sizeable contributions to 2A organizations. If Jr was, and is, a dedicated 2A supporter, he wasn’t very effective at stopping DJT from his 2A sell-out as POTUS. And it doesn’t appear he has used his significant $$$ to support any existing 2A orgs that are effective. I won’t be diverting any contributions this wanna be.

Bill B

Only support “No Compromise” gun organizations. If they say we need to have reasonable gun restrictions then ask them what are reasonable restrictions on your other rights and are they ok with infringements on any of our rights. If they are do not support them in any way. Standing for our rights should be ungiving and unflinchingly “NO WAY!”, no matter what right is at issue! Our gun rights should be the one we defend most severely as all of our other rights hinge on retaining it! Compromise? Not just no but hell no!


There is nothing at Dons web page for this org other than a tin cup for donations. I would rather see Don Jr raise money for GOA and the Second Amendment Foundation rather than drain off money that might have gone to them. I certainly agree that his daddy has failed gun owners and continues to fail us with some of the rats he supports. Forner President Trump seems to listen to his liberal daughters ideas about guns while tolerating his sons positions on the 2nd Amendment. Can Don be trusted ? Time will tell. I dont trust any politicians,… Read more »


Trump already proved he can’t be trusted. I saw the sickening video of his “big tent” WH conference with him licking up to DiFi & Schumer after a shooting and poo-pooing national carry reciprocity. Somehow that was “impossible”, but “this time we’re going to get it done”, i.e. all sorts of DiFi-Schumer gun control. Then he pushed “red flag”, banned bump stocks by EO etc. When we needed him, he jumped on the enemy’s bandwagon. Now he pushes gun grabber Mehmet Oz.

That said, I’d have to vote “for” Trump (against Xiden) if it’s between him & Xiden again.

Last edited 2 years ago by Russn8r
Boris Badenov

I absolutely HATE WinRed they are deceptive on a good day and crooks on the bad one. Also it’s not like we are lacking well established groups that have been fighting for our rights for quite some time. I absolutely agree with the bullet points. What we need is a Congress with a spine and a President that won’t surround themself with traitors and will actually clean house. I like Trump, I think his heart was in the right place but he got some really bad advice and can’t seem to admit he was wrong on some personnel choices.


WinRed: Owned by the GOPe & run by a Romney; 4% of your donation goes to elect RINOs like Pierre Delecto instead of your candidate.

Donate by check and your candidate gets 100%.


LMAO!!!! Love the cartoon! So true to life!


This reminds me of NAGR, National Association of Gun Rights. Whether NAGR was beneficial to gun owners we can debate, but what I experienced after donating a few times was hysterical emails about how Dudley Brown was going to jail, or hysterical emails about legislation that was dead. NAGR attacked the NRA even when the NRA was doing something good for gun owners. And besides NAGR wasn’t doing anything GOA, SAF, or even NRAILA wasn’t doing with a larger voice. My conclusion was that NAGR was nothing but a slush fund for Dudley Brown. Unfortunately, the same can be said… Read more »


I know 2 gun groups GRifted out of their lists for “one time use”, lists then used for general fundraising.

Last edited 2 years ago by Russn8r
Bill B

Support Gun Owners of America as they haven’t given an inch on any attempted gun infringements. The No Rights Absolute ( NRA) has folded on several issues and that is why i no longer support them in any way! I was a life member but NO MORE! Any thing i get from them goes straight in the trash UNOPENED! Support only “No Compromise” gun organizations only! We don’t need enemies in the camp that we can’t trust!


I do support GOA.
The NRA only gets “round up” if I’m too lazy to decline it


North Carolina: Phony Gun Groups & Lying Politicians
Opinion by Paul Valone


Holy cow 8R, you must have pissed of somebody! Every time I see one if your posts , it’s down voted. Even things that aren’t controversial. I don’t understand some folks on here. It really makes me wonder why someone would downvote EVERY post someone makes. If they have the time to shop for your posts, they need to get a life!

Wild Bill

Not just somebody. Many good and decent somebodies that did not deserve his squalid brand of reproach.


More projection from the TROLL of Ammoland.


The Wild Bill/Oldman/TEX Oathbreaker troll crowd hates anyone who won’t mindlessly Back The Blue Whatever They Do. They invent imaginary offenses & project their own abuse to cover their true motives.


I must be doing something right cuz now I am on the title page of troll crowd with WB and Tex. Thank you, Superman!


Whatever you say, Superman!


What’s wrong? Cat got your tongue now, Superman?

Wild Bill

Welcome aboard, Marine.


Whasssup, Troll? Speaking of Marines…


Just curious, but how do you determine that you have that honor?


Sorry I am late with this response. I am not sure what the question is. Could you elaborate?

Ansel Hazen

Spot on David. I am being bombarded with emails from supposed conservative candidates and all they want to talk about is where to donate money.


I get lots and lots of emails every day from these groups, most from a few groups but using s different sender’s name. How many of these groups are nothing but a political slush fund, besides imo it’s not beneficial to donate to candidates you cannot vote for, unless the donation goes directly to a candidate who you feel you want to help.


My wife gave the Trump campaign $5 back in 2020. She made the critical error of giving them her cell number. To this day Republicans from everywhere bombard her phone with begging messages. It’s worse than feeding a stray cat.


I never gave them a dime, save for ordering two MAGA hats from the Trump Store in 2016, one for me and one for my step-dad. To this day, at key times, I get texts, e-mails, even phone calls, asking for money, from them. Not no but HELL F’ing NO! He didn’t earn a second vote from me in 2020 and he/they sure as hell didn’t earn any donations. Before some dipstick suggests it, no, I did not vote for Biden. I never voted for any Democrat for POTUS.

Last edited 2 years ago by Grigori

I gave him quite a bit from 2015 on. I’d like it back. Still, I voted “for” him (against Xiden) in 2020.


I’ll wait and see what he does before I contribute any cash.
Talk should be the cheapest thing there is, yet everyone wants to be paid to do it.


actions speak louder than words ,so lets see what he does he has deep pockets to start on


How much , if any, of his own money is he putting up? It’s quite common in business, politics and fundraising for prominent people to lend their name and likeness to a project or cause but none of their own money.


Never forget the Trumps are all about opportunity they were democrats before Donald Trump ran for President. They funded Bill Clinton’s campaign. Yes people can change their party affiliation Trump had his chance to lead I thank him for his effort and the promises Trump kept to working Americans. His time has come and gone who will lead in 2024? The rhinos are spineless politicians working with democrats and China. Republican-In-Name-Only’  Here are the Republicans who voted with the Democrats: John Barrasso of Wyoming Roy Blunt of Missouri Susan Collins of Maine John Cornyn of Texas Mitch McConnell of Kentucky… Read more »


RINO-Roy Blunt is not running for re-election which is a bit sad in a way: I was so looking forward to voting against him in the Primary. On the upside, Missouri’s AG Eric Schmidt stands a good chance of winning the seat and he appears to be a very strong supporter of 2A rights. I’ll miss him as Attorney General.

Doug G.

I like Schmitt too. I just hope Greitens pulls himself out so as not to dilute the voter pool. He’s had his time too.

Jim March


Trump Sr. had a rare NYC carry permit for decades. Michael Cohen confirmed that Trump Sr, Jr and Cohen all three bribed their way into those permits.

There’s no fucking way I’ll ever trust any of them with any protection of our civil rights, ever.

They can kiss my ass.

Wild Bill

Sure, but what are you going to do about it? Oh and welcome to the site.


It’s beyond obvious that Jr has close ties to DJT. Daddy may not listen to Jr’s concerns, or he may highly value his opinions. As a public personality, Jr can get quite a bit of publicity whenever he wants. I don’t recall him making any waves in the media circus promoting our civil liberties while daddy was POTUS or since. That said, I don’t keep my eyes and ears glued to TV, radio, or newspapers so there may well be some media sh#t storms around any 2A statements from Jr. If he really is committed to protecting our civil rights,… Read more »

Last edited 2 years ago by GmanNM

IMHO, Don Jr is a Fudd who will use his Fuddetry to try and lure support from the 2A camp because he is now a birthright politician and it is “his destiny” to rule over us as his daddy did (sorta) and begin a great American dynasty.

Thomas Jefferson

The only “no compromise” firearm rights organization . . . Gun Owners of America. . Sign up for email alerts to automatically contact your representatives . Five star.
btw . no dog in the fight, just a member for 25 yrs.

Last edited 2 years ago by Thomas Jefferson

Little Donald’s announcement/request was labeled spam before I read half of it. His whole program seems to be; “I’m a big shot, so people will listen to me.”

I’m already doing more than he promises to do for me, and all it costs is a bit of my time.


But, but, being a ruler is his birthright, his destiny!
Surely you wouldn’t deny him his birthright.


DT Sr has never been a true proponent of the 2A, as was confirmed by his role in bump stocks. DT Jr SEEMS to be more supportive, but he could do more within an existing organization than trying to start from scratch. I’ll stick with SAF as the main NRA alternative.


Do gun owners NEED yet another entry (and an unconvincing one at that) into an already fragmented field of gun-rights protecting organizations? We win best with one (working) 800-lb. gorilla, not eight 100-lb. gorillas.


Join and Support your individual State’s most
Pro-2A organization. Don’t depend on any national organization to come to the rescue.
First and foremost, Defend your Home Turf.

Arizona Citizens Defense League

Last edited 2 years ago by JIAZ

Correct. Our state level advocacy organizations are low overhead, high impact lobbying and activist groups. Look a the success of the Arizona and Virginia Citizens Defense Leagues as an example. Grass roots activism works. Get face to face with gun owners and tell our story. Take it to the streets, literally and tell our story. That is what the left fears most.


AZCDL did nothing to stop The Big Steal: President & both Senate seats. Winning elections is the best form of “lobbying”, but AZCDL refuses to form a PAC to endorse & organize to win them. So the enemy steals them & subverts the voting system so we can’t take them back. Hobbits think they’re safe in The Shire with Con Carry. Think again. Con Carry is the meat RINOs toss activists to placate us while they help DemComs lock down control, flood the USA with “cheap labor” & turn it into a banana republic.


Let’s see what his actions bring. How much of his own money will he be investing in this Pro 2A venture? Why didn’t he criticize his father’s anti 2A policies? The problem with Trump the candidate is that he never had firm roots in any political ideology. Like many businessmen I’m sure he played up to the local politicians as needed to promote his projects and business ventures. Trump the president on the other hand showed some good promise on pro America and conservative policies. Hopefully his appointees to the courts do a good job at overturning left wing nonsense.… Read more »

Roland T. Gunner

Other than an 18 yo minimum age to purchase, no firearms laws should be enforced.


Even that is an infringement.

Wild Bill

We trust many eighteen year old men and women with arty, armor, and crew served wepps , way beyond what they can buy as a civilian.


True, but I don’t believe that makes infringements necessarily right.


Minors, like convicts, have rights, held in trust for them by guardians (parents/wardens). They have to get their guardians’ OK to exercise them. Sex changes, abortions, guns, contracts, this same rule works best for all cases.


I don’t mean to be argumentative, but I have read the full text, including amendments, of the United States Constitution and the only reference I can find with regard to age limits and enumerated rights is the 26th Amendment – which set the legal age to vote in federal elections at 18. I can find no other references to age for any rights enumerated in the constitution. Certainly there are plenty of federal and state laws that set age limits, and SCOTUS has twisted the plain-language meanings of the Constitution to “find” some limits that are not written. Please let… Read more »

Wild Bill

I see that I was not clear. Sorry. What I meant to convey was that if we trust our 18 year olds with crew served weapons, then they are mature enough and should be able to buy far less lethal firearms, in civilian life, just like everyone else.

Last edited 2 years ago by Wild Bill

THAT, sounds good!


So far this seems to be in the “run it up the flag pole and see who shoots at it” stage. “16 Ye shall know them by their fruits. Do men gather grapes of thorns, or figs of thistles? 17 Even so every good tree bringeth forth good fruit; but a corrupt tree bringeth forth evil fruit. 18 A good tree cannot bring forth evil fruit, neither can a corrupt tree bring forth good fruit. 19 Every tree that bringeth not forth good fruit is hewn down, and cast into the fire. 20 Wherefore by their fruits ye shall know them.” — Matthew 7, KJV… Read more »


Junior’s “2nd Amendment Coalition” was announced days before the 2016 election as part of Senior’s pandering to the firearm rights voting block:

Junior never did one thing with the the “coalition” after the election.


And that is all one needs to know. He’s had more than enough time & influence to do something by now.


I agree.

He’s fooling people all over again.

I voted for Trump in 2016 and 2020, but I refuse to carry his water.

He did a lot of good things, but when it comes to firearm rights, he never had a foundation of beliefs – it was just something to pander to and then compromise on in order to appeal to the block of voters he desperately wanted to get more votes from (white suburban women).


I don’t have enough financial support to give to anyone right now. But I am willing to give this ‘new’ thing a shot of verbal support until I see that there is something wrong with the ‘picture’.


Yesterday GOA endorsed Kathy Barnette, US Senate, PA. I donated my max. She’s already doing ok in the polls, just below globalist Bush toady hedge fund RINO McCormick. Good alternative to the Turkish gun grabber.

Get this:
Pompeo on Oz’s Turkish election vote; raises NatSec.

From a comment:

“Oz noted he served in the Turkish military to maintain citizenship.” Gee, I wonder what the OATH was?

“I swear allegiance to ___” ???

Something tells me it ain’t to the USA.


Downvoters love gun-grabbing kiddie-sex-change-promoting Turkish citizens in the US Senate.


The Trump’s are honestly and sincerely pro second amendment, of that you can rest assured. Donald Trump Jr. (as well as his brother & father) has associated with, empowered and strengthened the ranks of nysrpa & nra for many years. I share at least two club memberships with members of this family, as I have for decades. There are, as you said, organizations that are established and doing the good work, I happen to work for the one that leads the charge in New York, the country is currently awaiting the decision of our latest effort (nysrpa vs bruen) and… Read more »


Trump jumped in bed with the grabbers when we needed him after a massacre. His sickening White House gun control orgy, followed by executive gun grab orders, will go down in infamy. He cannot be trusted.


And yet you voted for him? Say it is not so…..


Of course I did, Superman.


You get the choice (illusion) of two evils. Which did you choose ?

Last edited 2 years ago by Arny

The Illusion


“The Trump’s are honestly and sincerely pro second amendment, of that you can rest assured. Donald Trump Jr. (as well as his brother & father) has associated with, empowered and strengthened the ranks of nysrpa & nra for many years.”

Trump advocated for, and enacted, arms laws as president. The NRA has advocated for, and helped enact, arms laws for almost a century. That’s definitely not pro-2A.


I can understand some cynicism or hesitancy about Trump Jr.’s pro-2A effort; however, the skepticism based on his father’s less-than-stellar 2A advocacy is a bit unfair. With the constant propaganda and the demorat legislation (with the backing of the Gifford, Bloomberg Brady anti-gun gangs), we supporters of the RKBA should welcome any sincere effort on behalf of our God-given, Constitutional right. So, let’s see what fruit comes from the 2A Task force tree, before we sit in judgement.


I judge everything before I part with my money. Your comment reminds me of “You got to sign it, to see what’s in it”. lol


Republicans are now labeling each other Rhinos playing to the mainstream media and what is left of the real republican party the voters. This is no way to win back the three offices that control our country. Boys and girls we have a real problem today and that is to keep our country safe from these elected political predators. The democrats are hell bent on destroying are freedoms and the constitution.Our free speech as of today is now under attack by the democrats in less you are dead you have heard the news The creation of the disinformation office under… Read more »


Maybe so, but Brian Kemp is not just a RINO, he’s a traitor who helped Dems steal the White House & 2 US Senate seats.

Doug G.

In GA, Trump did just as much damage by claiming that he won the election with nothing but circumstantial evidence to prove it. He hurt turnout for the repeat election that found the Senate dems as winners because if he was going to be President then those 2 senate seats were less important and right wing voters complied by staying home. All the unproven bluster by Sidney Powell and Linn Wood didn’t help either. Trump attacking Kemp/Republicans right in the middle of it because they didn’t kiss his ring for endorsements is what also cost us there.


I don’t defend Trump’s bungling, but it’s despicable to defend corrupt “Republican” Kemp who intentionally aided The Big Steal.

As to “only” circumstantial evidence, it was Yuge & Obvious including videos & compelling testimony.

As to “unproven”, you can only make that claim because RINOs like Kemp & SecSt Ratburger enabled the fraud & helped block audits. RINOs Perdue & Loeffler also opposed audits, so they deserve their fate.

Downvoters are Oathbreakers who think Biden got 81m votes.

Last edited 2 years ago by Russn8r
late for supper

Please reference this invisible evidence that no one has shown yet. I am a real liberation and not believe the daily Trump lies. If you believe everything Trump says you must be easily swayed just like Dear Leader is as referenced by his several staffers. I do not believe any politician without researchable evidence.


there was a lot of irregularities that should be investigated ,florida has thousands of dead people on voters rolls . i received mail in ballots for my mother and brother there is no way this should have happened , people in flag staff that were investigating repetitive names with bad addresses shut out of social media and threatened by local police we do need to know what has gone wrong and what is right with the different system to make sound choices and a reliable system

Wild Bill

I saw on CSPAN, a MIT mathematics professor explain to a House committee how the Biden come from behind win in Pennsylvania was mathematically impossible, and demonstrated an algorithm that duplicated perfectly the increase in Biden votes. Pretty suspicious.
And there was the township in Wisconsin that had more votes cast than the number of men, women, and children living in the township. Also suspicious.


Wassup, Comrade?


Nice to see some writer’s here are “woke”.

Donald Jr. Son of Donald Trump POTUS 45 who WAS Jeffery Epstein’s Lolita Express friend & client. The Donald Trump who openly proclaimed he was a Nationalist & Zionist. Son of Donald Trump who signed Operation Warp Speed. Brother in Law to Jared Kushner a lucky sperm club National Security Advisor & his father was pardoned for several fraud charges & millions of dollars of real estate scams. Yea, what a smoke screen of deception eh.

It’s one big cult club & We the People ain’t in it.

Last edited 2 years ago by Tank

Yes sir! And, it’s the same “Big Club” they use to beat you down with!


45 said that he met Epstein once and didn’t like him. That’s hardly being a friend and a client. Globalist? How many times has he said and acted for America first? Many, many times. Good relations with other countries including our stated enemies are a good thing. A Zionist? Excellent. Why do you mention it? Antisemitic much? Operation Warp Speed got the government out of the way of developing anti-covid vaccines. That’s a very good thing. Pardoned for fraud charges? One needs to be convicted first to get a pardon. That never happened. Real estate scams? You mean deals that… Read more »

Roland T. Gunner

Thank you.


Gullible much?


Epstein “killed himself” under Trump’s watch. Trump hired Bill Barr knowing he was Bush’s AG during Ruby Ridge & had ensured Vicki Weaver’s killer got away with it.


You should care. “Killing himself” ensured no testimony, no naming all the scumbags Epstein was in bed with.


Unfortunately, his “suicide” stopped cold any revelations of the privileged, sicko scumbags who regularly engaged in the illegal activities that landed Epstein in jail. I really was hoping he would be name dropping for a lighter sentence. A lighter sentence for Epstein is not good, but none of his fellow perverts got punished which is much worse -imho.


We’ll never know, since those who murdered him & those who looked away & let it happen made sure.

They clearly saw a risk they were unwilling to take.

Would he have flipped? I think so. Inmates will do a lot of things for better living conditions (and less dangerous) in prison.


And a lighter sentence could’ve been the same time in prison, even life, but not in a deadly gen pop situation.


I think Epstein would have done whatever he could to keep from being placed in the kind of prison he deserved to be in. The fact that he was “suicided” tells us that SOMEONE was afraid that he would start singing. He had a lot of reasons to want to stay out of the general population at a high security prison. He probably would not have survived long – unless he still had a trusted contact on the outside that could direct money to buy protection inside. I’m pretty sure the prosecutor was looking to get him singing – unfortunately,… Read more »


edited comment :Grigori stated what I was thinking

Last edited 2 years ago by Arny
Wild Bill

Trump was not in a position to prevent it. And there are still other witnesses.


Hardly. Trump hired the Deep State Bush toady whose intentional gross dereliction insured Epstein’s “suicide”. Ruby Ridge Bill Barr.


But is he “really” dead? How do we know for sure? Too much in that incident was a little too convenient.

Last edited 2 years ago by Grigori