Call for papers: Volume 5 of Turnstyle: The SABR Journal of Baseball Arts
Turnstyle: The SABR Journal of the Baseball Arts, SABR’s Baseball and the Arts Committee now turns its sights to submissions for Volume 5.
AUGUST 20, 2024 — With the recent release of Volume 4 ofAll SABR members are encouraged to send along your submission, or your questions, to editors Joanne Hulbert or Jay Hurd before June 1, 2025. We are looking for poetry, memoir, artwork, humor, short fiction, historical fiction, science fiction, and parody.
Here are the guidelines:
- Stories, essays, memoirs – no more than 1,500 words. We want to accommodate as many submissions as we can to fill up about 100 pages.
- Artwork – baseball card art has been very popular.
- Photography has appeared within the pages and on the back cover.
- Be aware that the print edition of Turnstyle is black and white, while the Kindle, PDF, and ebook editions are available in color.
There are many SABR publications that provide outlets for research and historical articles. Turnstyle is different: we provide a venue for creative fiction, memoirs, and visual arts.
Click here to view or purchase all previous editions of Turnstyle: The SABR Journal of Baseball Arts.
Originally published: August 20, 2024. Last Updated: August 20, 2024.